World Sri Lanka Western Province Colombo Wolvendaal Church, Colombo

Wolvendaal Church, Colombo , Colombo

Type of Destination
Historical, Pilgrimage
Languages Spoken
Sinhala and English
Wolvendaal Church, Colombo Altitude

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Western Province Wolvendaal Church, Colombo

About Wolvendaal Church, Colombo

Dating back to the 17th century, this antique church is an interesting Dutch masterpiece. To maintain its olden architecture and design, the Wolvendaal Church has been left in its original structure, without any renovations. Many ancient tombstones and graves of forgotten Dutch governors and diplomats are scattered around the church, giving the area an eerie feeling. There isn’t much to do at the church, other than just wander around it for a while. However, since it is located at a short distance away from the city, the church is extremely quiet and peaceful, surrounded by greenery. It makes for a great short visit, but is definitely not a must-see site.

3.5 ( 2 )

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