World India Rajasthan Jaipur Chandlai Lake

Chandlai Lake , Jaipur

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India Rajasthan Chandlai Lake

About Chandlai Lake

Everybody likes birds but there are a few people who love them. If you’re one of those few, Chandlai Lake is one spot you must visit. You can spend a good half a day for birding if you are in Jaipur in this place located approximately 30KM from Jaipur city on Tonk Road. The best spot in Chandlai Lake can be four lane national Highway 12, taking a right turn under the over bridge at Shivdaspura.

It is a massive lake which attracts many migratory birds apart from few resident ones. A rare bird species (migratory in nature) - Pied Avochet can be found in large numbers here during the season. The best time to visit Chandlai Lake can be during the migratory season in the ideal month of December.

Some of the other birds found here are Pallas’s Gul, Ruff, Common Teal, Brown capped Night Heron, Black Winged Stilt, Rudy Shelduck, Little Ringed Plover, White Wagtail, Common Red Shank and many more. While you’re in Jaipur, try not to miss this spot!

2.8 ( 3 )

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