World India Rajasthan Jaipur Moti Dungri, Jaipur

Moti Dungri, Jaipur , Jaipur

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Rajasthan Moti Dungri, Jaipur

About Moti Dungri, Jaipur

When in Jaipur, every practicing Hindu, or for that matter anyone with an interest in the Hindu mythology and art must visit the Moti Dungri temple. Constructed in the eighteenth century, the Moti Dungri temple in Jaipur is famous as one of the most auspicious temples of Lord Ganesha, and is frequently visited by the inhabitants of Jaipur, and other tourists from around the world.

Situated in the heart of Jaipur, the Moti Dungri temple is perched on a small hill, and is surrounded by an exotic palace, called the Moti Dungri palace, which is an imitation of a popular Scottish castle. In the recent past, the palace was home to Rajmata Gaytri Devi, but now, the palace is locked to public, with the temple being the only tourist location.

The temple gives the tourists a very strong reason to visit this place- Apart from the intricate stone carving, the temple is known for its exquisite lattice work on marble with mythological images engraved on the marble, which offer a splendid view for art-lovers. The temple, along with the palace, is a massive structure- the temple itself spans 2 kilometers and is carved out of stone. So, take a day off and spend it here, admiring the beauty of this structure- it won’t be any waste of your time!

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