World India Rajasthan Jaipur Birla Planetarium, Jaipur

Birla Planetarium, Jaipur , Jaipur

Type of Destination
Adventure, Museums, Planetarium
Languages Spoken
Hindi & English
Birla Planetarium, Jaipur Altitude

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India Rajasthan Birla Planetarium, Jaipur

About Birla Planetarium, Jaipur

Inaugurated in 1963, Birla Planetarium at Jaipur was once the largest planetarium in Asia and a landmark in Indian celestial research. Several seminars and educational talks have been conducted by this research centre. Apart from this, it organizes interactive sessions to help dissipate knowledge of the celestial world and generate curiosity among young minds.

With seven show timings throughout the day, one can conveniently spend leisurely time at the planetarium, which also has a sophisticated observatory equipped with some powerful telescopes. Several sky shows are also held in the alluring white marble complex, in sync with the city’s architectural uniformity. These sky shows can be quite intriguing and engrossing, as they argue over some fundamental themes, namely the cosmos and celestial world.

3.8 ( 2 )

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