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Science City Kolkata , Kolkata

Type of Destination
Theme park
Languages Spoken
Bengali, Hindi & English
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About Science City Kolkata

Science City is an educational amusement park, which gives you an insight into the worlds of science and technology through models and experiments. National Council of Science Museums (NCSM) set up the Science City in 1997. The Science City exhibits various scientific theories along with the principles. IIlusions, Powers of Ten, Fresh Water Aquarium, Live butterfly enclave are most attractive segments in the Science City.

The visitors can learn a lot from Earth exhibition managed in hemispherical building within the Science city. Evolution Park educates us about evolution of extinct animals. We can have a clear knowledge of space related science from Space Odyssey, a space theatre which is well equipped with modern projectors and special effects. Caterpillar Ride, Gravity Coaster, Musical Fountain, Road Train, Cable Cars, Butterfly nursery will entertain kids and adults. There are also Grand theatre, 11 seminar Halls, mini auditorium etc are also established within the Science City of Kolkata.

3.5 ( 2 )

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