World India West Bengal Kolkata Asiatic Society of Bengal

Asiatic Society Of Bengal , Kolkata

Type of Destination
Historical, Museums
Languages Spoken
Bengali & English
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About Asiatic Society of Bengal

In 1784, in order to improve and facilitate the oriental research, Sir William Jones established the Asiatic Society. Asiatic Society is located in Park Street and houses a library and a museum. The library houses a collection of nearly 117,000 books. Also you can find there are approximately 90,000 journals published in several languages. Almost every copy of book printed between the time period 18th century and 19th century can be found in Asiatic Society library. It also has microfilms, paintings and Pamphlets in its possession. The catalogue of Museum includes rock editions of Ashoka, manuscripts, coins, sculptures, copper plate inscriptions etc. Society also publishes The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal regularly.

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