World India Gujarat Ahmedabad Lothal

Lothal , Ahmedabad

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Gujarat, Hindi & English
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India Gujarat Lothal

About Lothal

Just 80 KMs from Ahmedabad, Lothal (Place of Dead) is a famous excavated site of Indus Valley (Harappan) Civilization. Burkhi station is 5 KMs from the Lothal excavation site and museum. Excavations have revealed some artifacts such as beads, seals,measurements and weights, ivory and bronze objects; tools & toys etc. which are now placed in the nearby museum.

Lothal was discovered after Indian independence and excavated in year 1954. Lothal is divided in several parts that consisted of an acropolis, where seniors lived; a town at a lower level, coppersmithing workshops and docks. The Lothal Dockyard has to be one of the oldest dockyards on earth. 

Carry food and water when visiting Lothal as there are no restaurants nearby. Snacks and beverages can be bought from Burkhi village. Also avoid walking on the excavated brick walls.

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