World India Uttarakhand Dehradun The Kalinga War Memorial

The Kalinga War Memorial , Dehradun

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Historical, Museums
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India Uttarakhand The Kalinga War Memorial

About The Kalinga War Memorial

The Kalinga War memorial is the most visited spot in Dehradun. The honor of being “The Only War memorial created by an army for sake of their Enemies” goes to Kalinga War Memorial. It is located on the route to Sahastradhara.  It was established after the Anglo- Gurkha battle which took place in 1814. During battle Gurkha Soldiers protected the Kalinga Fort in Nalapani for more a six weeks without even drinking water and eating food. Such a courage and bravery really impressed British and so they built this memorial even though Gurkha failed to win the battle. It prevails as a pride for Gurkha community.

4.5 ( 1 )

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