World India Haryana Kurukshetra

Kurukshetra , Haryana

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage
Languages Spoken
Hindi, Punjabi & English
Kurukshetra Altitude

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India Haryana Kurukshetra

About Kurukshetra

On the banks of River Saraswati, history is almost palpable. Here lies Kurukshetra.  Dating back to history it was here in Kurukshetra between 2000 and 1500 BC that the Aryans made their entry into this subcontinent. As the legend goes, centuries ago, Kurukshetra is named after King Kuru, ancestor of Kauravas and Pandavas.

 Just 160 kms from Delhi, the holy land of Kurukshetra, is very important to our history attributing to the fact that the Kurukshetra War of the Mahabharata was fought on this land and the Bhagavad Gita was also preached here during the war by Lord Krishna.  This sacred place attracts a lot of pilgrims and has many historically important sites to be seen like Raja Karana Ka Tila, Asthipura and Bhagwanpura etc. The ideal time to visit Kurukshetra is between the months of October to March.

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