World India Karnataka Bangalore Kaivara

Kaivara , Bangalore

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India Karnataka Kaivara

About Kaivara

Kaivara, a small town near Bangalore is an important pilgrimage spot of Karnataka. Located at 70 Km from Bangalore, Kaivara is situated in Chintamani Taluk of Chikkaballapura district and has a historical importance as is famous since Mahabharata times. Bheema had killed Demon Bakasura where Bheemeswara Temple stands today. Famous for the Narayanappa Mutt, an ashram dedicated to the renowned saint and writer Narayanappa, is a center for many social, religious and philanthropic activities. A temple dedicated to Narayanappa famous as Yoganarasimha swamy Temple is located another 1 km on top of hillock named Vaikunta. Other temples famous in vicinity of Kaivara are Amaranarayana Temple and Aranya Rama Temple.

2.2 ( 6 )

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