World India Andhra Pradesh Kurnool Mantralayam

Mantralayam , Kurnool

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Telugu, Urdu and Kannada
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India Andhra Pradesh Mantralayam

About Mantralayam

The holy abode of Madhwa Sage “Sri Raghavendra Swamy”, a disciple of “Madhwarcharya”; Mantralayam is situated on the banks of Tungabhadra River. As per religious mythology, while entering the Mantralayam town, Guru Raghavendra Swamy mentioned that he remain in the town for 700 years. Thus for 361 years he will continue to stay in this town. Devotees have to offer prayers to “Manchalamma”, the presiding deity of Mantralayam before entering the Vrindavan Mutt of Guru Raghavendra Swamy.

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