World India Andhra Pradesh Bellary Adoni Fort

Adoni Fort , Bellary

Type of Destination
Historical, Fort, Monument
Languages Spoken
Telugu and Kannada
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India Andhra Pradesh Adoni Fort

About Adoni Fort

Adoni Fort, the historical remnants played key role in the battles which took place around 17th – 18th century. Standing elegantly atop of black granite rocks, Adoni Fort is an interesting feature in Kurnool District. The fort was believed to be established between 14th to 16th centuries when the Vijayanagar Empire ruled the area. You could see many Persian and Arabic inscriptions as well in the fort which indicates that the fort was also served as military base for Islamic Rulers like Adil Shahi of Bijapur Dynasty and Golconda Dynasty. As it lies on the border of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, Adoni Fort was also under control of Tipu Sultan, “The Raja of Mysore”. Adoni City is famous for cotton products and grain productions.

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