World India Uttarakhand Haridwar Saptarishi Ashram

Saptarishi Ashram , Haridwar

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Hindi, English
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India Uttarakhand Saptarishi Ashram

About Saptarishi Ashram

Saptarishi Ashram or Saptarishi Temple was once a meditation center for seven sages. Kashyapa, Vashisht, Atri, Vishwamitra, Jamadagi, Bharadwaja and Gautam are the seven sages. Not to disturb the meditating sages, River Ganga splits into seven streams nearby the ashram. Those tiny streams are named as Sapta Sarovar. This Ashram was established in 1943 by Goswami Guru Dutt. The students are educated here at free of cost. Within this campus, there 43 tiny huts with 2 rooms, kitchen and bathroom where devotees can stay over and indulge in spiritualism and relax themselves. From here tourists can get the glimpse of “Chilla Wildlife Sanctuary” which is located across the River Ganges. Stone Statues of Pandavas on the bank of river indicates that they passed through this ashram before going to heaven.

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