World India Uttarakhand Rishikesh Triveni Ghat

Triveni Ghat , Rishikesh

Type of Destination
Beaches, Pilgrimage
Languages Spoken
Garhwali, Hindi, and English
Triveni Ghat Altitude

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India Uttarakhand Triveni Ghat

About Triveni Ghat

Being a conflux of three major rivers namely Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswathi Triveni Ghat is a must-see spot in Rishikesh. According to Hinduism, a dip in water of this ghat will wash away all your sins and provide a pure soul for rest of your life. “Maha Aarti” which is performed every evening in this Ghat is a not-to-miss event. Diyas are lit all over the ghat, Bhajans are chanted, drums and bells are beaten while performing this Aarti. This event will induce divinity and spirituality in your body and soul. Devotees let Lamps over the leaves to float in the river. A ritual called “Pindha Shraddha” is also performed in this Ghat to soothe the souls of our ancestor. Also during sunrise many people offer milk to the river after taking a dip.

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