World India West Bengal Kolkata Indian Museum, Kolkata

Indian Museum, Kolkata , Kolkata

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Bengali & English
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India West Bengal Indian Museum, Kolkata

About Indian Museum, Kolkata

Founded as far back as 1814, the Indian Museum of Kolkata is largest and oldest museum in India. There are 35 galleries in the museum which house most of the rare artifacts of both cultural and scientific importance. The museum comprises the sections like Art, Archaeology, Anthropology, Economic Botany, Zoology and Geology.

The Mughal paintings of the Museum enthrall the viewers. Egyptian mummy and fossil skeletons of prehistoric animals provide spine chilling experience to the visitors. Bharhut’s Buddha Stupa, Buddha’s Ashes, Ashoka Pillar etc are few of the striking features of Indian Museum.

4.1 ( 4 )

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Rohan Mittal
Oct 12, 2015
It is one of the largest museums in India so you need couple of hours to see it. Plan accordingly.
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