World India Jammu And Kashmir Srinagar Shankaracharya

Shankaracharya , Srinagar

Type of Destination
Scenic, Pilgrimage, Vista Point
Languages Spoken
Kashmiri, Dogri, Pashto, Hindi & English
Shankaracharya Altitude

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India Jammu And Kashmir Shankaracharya

About Shankaracharya

Shankaracharya Hill (also known as Takht-e-Suleiman or Suleiman's throne) is where the famous Shankaracharya temple is located. This ancient temple is said to be built in 200 BC, but the current structure is constructed in 9th century A.D. Adi Shankaracharya visited this temple and hence the hill and temple is named after him. The view from the temple is stunning as it gives a panoramic view of Srinagar from the top. Visit the temple for its view and the history behind it. The climb to the hill is also an experience in itself. 

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ChowkidarPaneendra Kumar
May 17, 2019
The Temple is 4500 year old and renovated, The temple was renovated in 371 BC ( 2300 years back) by king Gopaditya, founder of Gopkar dynasty.
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