World India Jammu And Kashmir Srinagar Dal Lake, Srinagar

Dal Lake, Srinagar , Srinagar

Type of Destination
Scenic, Lake
Languages Spoken
Kashmiri, Dogri, Hindi & English
Dal Lake, Srinagar Altitude

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India Jammu And Kashmir Dal Lake, Srinagar

About Dal Lake, Srinagar

Mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts, the Dal lake is 18 km sq. natural lake. The dominant feature of the city, it provides a source of income through its natural bounty of fish, water plants and irrigated species. It’s the source and focal point of many of Srinagar’s activities: in summer through boating, fishing and swimming, in winter, when the lake freezes over, skiing and skating. The lake has been surrounded by a number of gardens and in the summer the lilies and lotus’s flower and the lake erupts into colour. A truly beautiful site.

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Traveller Community User
Jul 09, 2014
Rates for the boat or Shikara rides are displayed on boards in Near the Shikara Stations all around the lake. Pay as per official rates to avoid being
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