World Sri Lanka North Central Province Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka , North Central Province

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage
Languages Spoken
Sinhala, Tamil and English
Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka Altitude

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North Central Province Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

About Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Anuradhapura is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known its well-kept ruins from the Sri Lankan civilization. An archeologists’ hub, this major city consists of ancient tanks, crumbling temples, old stone pillars, monasteries and large dagobas. Though it a lesser known historic site, just the antiqueness of this place is sure to leave you in awe of the country’s unseen past. Anuradhapura is a complete sight-seeing destination, where there are innumerable temples, stupas and other historic structures to visit.

A few national parks offer light bird watching and animal spotting adventures. The Buddhist influence is very well highlighted due to the presence of Bodhi trees, Buddha statues and carvings. Large numbers of pilgrims make their way to this city to participate in religious ceremonies especially during the Poson Festival that occurs in the first week of June; the crowds are huge and sight-seeing during the festival may be hampered.  For the curious tourist, Anuradhapura is a supreme place to hear fascinating stories and interesting legends, and connecting them to the age-old structures scattered all around. It is a truly timeless city!

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