World India Haryana Hisar Lat Ki Masjid, Hisar

Lat Ki Masjid, Hisar , Hisar

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Historical, Pilgrimage
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Haryana Lat Ki Masjid, Hisar

About Lat Ki Masjid, Hisar

Lat Ki Masjid is a rare L shaped mosque which rests inside the Firoz Shah Palace Complex in the City of Hisar. The structure was established in 1354 by Emperor Firoz Shah Tughlaq and is inspired by Seljuk form of architecture. It has got its name Lat because the Lat or the stone pillar located in the northeast direction of the mosque which was once a portion of an Ashokan Pillar, one can also spot some ancient Mauryan Brahmi scripts emblazoned on it. The shrine is completed carved out of red sandstone and from the leftover masonry taken from the destroyed Hindu and Jain temples. An accidental architectural benefit, the mosque is a visual delight illustrating magnificence of distinct cultures. 

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