World India Andaman and Nicobar Islands Andaman and Nicobar Islands Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park

Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park , Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Type of Destination
Scenic, Theme park
Languages Spoken
Hindi, Tamil and English
Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park Altitude

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Andaman and Nicobar Islands
India Andaman and Nicobar Islands Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park

About Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park

Covering nearly 281.5 square kilometers of land, Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park is nothing but a cluster of 15 islands and open sea creek passing through the area. These islands and creek are declared was created back in 1983 to preserve the corals and nestling turtles which are abundant in this area. Most of these islands are inhabitant. Features and vegetation’s vary from Island to Island. The largest among the 15 island, Tarmugil is featured with thick lush mangroves, sheet rocks, and white sandy beaches. The island named “Twins” is renowned for the sea turtle breeding. Usual water sports and glass bottomed boat rides are available in Jolly Buoy and Red Skin islands.

4.4 ( 4 )

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