World India Haryana Gurgaon Mahindra Farm, Gurgaon

Mahindra Farm, Gurgaon , Gurgaon

Type of Destination
Scenic, Picnic Spot, Resort
Languages Spoken
Hindi, English
Mahindra Farm, Gurgaon Altitude

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India Haryana Mahindra Farm, Gurgaon

About Mahindra Farm, Gurgaon

Located some 15km away from Gurgaon, in Tikli village, Tikli Bottom is beautiful resort. A mansion is converted as a resort and has almost all facilities to soothe you.  The entire resort is located in the lap of a lush green mountain. A 18-hole golf course is situated about 5 km from the resort. There are only four double rooms which are well equipped to make the guest feel at home.  One can chill out on pool side and enjoy the sumptuous meal provided in the resort. Tikli Bottom is suitable for short vacations, corporate outings, and honeymoon.

More information can be found on their website,

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