World India Haryana Gurgaon

Gurgaon , Haryana

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Hindi, Punjabi & English
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India Haryana Gurgaon

About Gurgaon

Situated in Haryana, Gurgaon is part of NCR (National Capital Region) and shares border with Delhi and Faridabad. Gurgaon is an upcoming satellite city of Delhi which has numerous multinational companies, call centers, software companies, high rise building, shopping malls, hotels and restaurants. Gurgaon is a symbol of emerging India, globalization and extravagant lifestyle. The numerous job opportunities and the quality of life here have made Gurgaon a favorite destination for the youth the nation.

Gurgaon or Guru Gaon was named after revered teacher Dronacharya of epic Mahabharata. Besides numerous malls that have opened up in Gurgaon, Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary, Tikli Bottom, Damdama Lake, Sheetala Devi Temple and Morni Hills are some of the many places that can be visited.

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Travel Guide
The best way to reach Gurgaon from Delhi is through the Delhi metro. One can also hail the rapid metro for connectivity within Gurgaon
Travel Guide
Auto rickshaws in Gurgaon are not metered. If not bargained properly, they’ll overcharge exorbitantly.

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