World India Karnataka Hampi Mahanavami Dibba

Mahanavami Dibba , Hampi

Type of Destination
Historical, Monument
Languages Spoken
Kannada, Hindi & English
Mahanavami Dibba Altitude

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India Karnataka Mahanavami Dibba

About Mahanavami Dibba

Mahanavami Dibba is of high historical importance and is located close to Hampi. This 22 feet tall structure near Hampi is made out by laying down three layers of giant square structure. There are two ways to reach the top. The front gate has been exquisitely carved with figures of elephants and horses. The back gate is believed to be used for ceremonies in the olden years. King Krishnadevaraya to commemorate the victory over Udaygiri had built the monument. 

3.5 ( 1 )

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Feb 11, 2016
The man made ponds and aqua ducts behind the Mahanavmi Dibba are interesting structures.
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