World India Kerala Thiruvananthapuram Kanakakkunnu Palace

Kanakakkunnu Palace , Thiruvananthapuram

Type of Destination
Historical, Museums
Languages Spoken
Malayalam, English
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India Kerala Kanakakkunnu Palace

About Kanakakkunnu Palace

This Resplendent Palace takes its visitors back to the glorious past where royal empires ruled the land. Kanakakkunnu Palace is located in Trivandrum. The gables and Pagoda shaped dome  of the Palace speaks volumes of the the fabulous architectural wonder. Exterior of the Palace is fully built using red brick. After dawn, the palace is totally transformed into glittering paradise by its crystal chandeliers.  The ornate furniture adds more to its grandiose.

The department of tourism organises an annual All India Dance Festival in the months october to march when there are classical dance performances organised on every day basis.

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