World India Rajasthan Udaipur Kumbhalgarh

Kumbhalgarh , Udaipur

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage, Fort, Monument
Languages Spoken
Rajasthani, Hindi
Kumbhalgarh Altitude

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India Rajasthan Kumbhalgarh

About Kumbhalgarh

Kumbhalgarh located in the Rajasamand district in Rajasthan is famous for the Kumbhalgarh fort which is a Mewar architectural marvel. The wall of Kumbalgarh fort extends to 36 Km thus is second longest continuous wall after Great Wall of China. The gates of this fort are indeed a piece of admiration but the Hanuman Pol attracts many as it is so magnanimous that it looks like a hill that cannot be climbed. Visit the Kumbha mahal and Badal mahal to peek into the lifestyles of the royals. Jhulia ka mahal which is the birth place of Maharana Pratap is indeed worth a visit. The temples inside the fort also attract many. Some famous temples are Ganesh temple, Neelkant Mahadev, Parsvnath temple, Vedi temple and Golerao group of temples.

Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary or Kumbhal Garh National park spread over an area of  570 sq KM is another must visit destination near Kumbhalgarh. Leapords, wolf, sloth bear, hyena, jackal, , sambhar, nilgai, chinkara and some bird life is found here.

4.5 ( 4 )

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