World India Punjab Amritsar Pul Kanjari

Pul Kanjari , Amritsar

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage
Languages Spoken
Punjabi, Hindi and English
Pul Kanjari Altitude

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India Punjab Pul Kanjari

About Pul Kanjari

A wonderful heritage site built by the famous Maharaja, sits quietly hidden near the villages of Daoka and Dhanoa Kalan. Maharaja favored this spot to rest whenever he passed by this area with his troops. Now a ruin, it was once a wonderful rest house complete with pools and gardens. The frescoes and murals that cover the walls are filled with legends and stories of Ancient Hindu Scriptures girdled with intricate floral designs.  A temple, a gurudwara and a mosque which stand close to each other speaks the secular taste of the ruler.

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