World India Maharashtra Shirdi Chavadi

Chavadi , Shirdi

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Marathi, Hindi and English
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India Maharashtra Chavadi

About Chavadi

It was in this place Sai baba spent alternate nights on his last decade of life. From Dwarkmai Sai Baba was taken in procession to Chavadi. Even now procession is conducted every Thursday. On the right side of Chavadi a statue of Sai Baba was kept over a silver stool, which is now moved beside his Samadhi. You can also see the Sai Baba’s footwear near his Samadhi. Painting of Sai Baba and a big stone over which Sai Baba sat down can be seen in first segment of Chavadi. You can also see the wooden bed and white chair used by Sri Sai Baba in Chavadi. Also in first segment you can see two rooms among which one room contains Chariot in front of which a small shrine with saffron flag flying atop of it can be seen. The second room houses Palkhi.

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