World India Maharashtra Shirdi

Shirdi , Maharashtra

Type of Destination
City, Pilgrimage, Shopping
Languages Spoken
Marathi, Hindi and English
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India Maharashtra Shirdi

About Shirdi

Small holy town, Shirdi is a renowned Pilgrimage center in Maharashtra State of India. Located in the sugarcane belt of Maharashtra State, Shirdi sees the footfalls of nearly million devotees per year. Second most sought after pilgrim center next to Tirupathi in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Sacred River Godavari flows at less far from Shirdi. Pilgrims usually takes a dip in this river on their visit to Shirdi. Sri Sai Baba and Shirdi village are inter twined . Where ever you go in Shirdi, villagers will say this is the place where Sri Sai Baba first appeared in village, this is the place where he performed miracle giving vision for elderly blind, here was he slept on mat, it is the place where he spent rest of life etc. Ramanavami, Guru Purnima and Shirdi Vijayadasmi are the most distinctive festivals celebrated in Shirdi with pompous and glory.

Being a famous pilgrimage center, Shirdi has finest range of Hotels to stay in like Marigold Regency, Shradha Saburi Palace, Matrix Inn, Sai Sanjivani etc. Want to taste some authentic Marathi Cuisine in Shirdi? Then you should check out the restaurants like The Tulip, Rajdhani Restaurant, Rajdhani Thali, and Sai Swadh Dining etc. The shopping in Shirdi means purchasing Photos and idols of Shirdi Sai Baba. There are many stalls selling these items in Shirdi. Complete your sacred journey by purchasing Shirdi Sai Baba photos and idols.

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