World India Rajasthan Bharatpur Keoladeo National Park

Keoladeo National Park , Bharatpur

Type of Destination
Wildlife, Adventure
Languages Spoken
Hindi, English, Rajasthani
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India Rajasthan Keoladeo National Park

About Keoladeo National Park

Keoladeo National Park or Keoladeo Ghana National Park formerly known as the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, is home to plenty of migratory birds from Siberia, Afghanistan, China and Turkey during the winter season. All avid ornithologists are seen around with their sophisticated cameras to click the majestic birds spread across the 29 km reserve. It is a man made and managed wetland which caters to the need of these migratory birds habitat for winters. One can see the migratory birds comfortable in the dry grasslands, in woodlands, in swamps as well as in wetlands in the park. Once a hunting ground of the maharajas, the park has seen the shooting of over 4273 birds in one shoot by the then Governor General of India in 1938. There is a wall of fame in the park that was used to engrave the shoot results during those times. Once inside the park, one can choose to walk, take a cycle rickshaw or the battery operated vehicle. Enjoy around by watching the rarest of the beauties like painted storks, great Egret and many more.

3.5 ( 2 )

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