World India Uttar Pradesh Saharanpur

Saharanpur , Uttar Pradesh

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Hindi and English
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India Uttar Pradesh Saharanpur

About Saharanpur

Saharanpur is a town and a district located in Uttar Pradesh and growing at a pace which not a lot of people expected it to do. There aren’t a lot of tourist destinations here that one can visit and if you intend on staying here for maybe a short while, you can find things to entertain yourself with. You have a lot of religious places to visit here; inclusive both of temples and dargahs, not only bringing in spirituality, but also togetherness amongst the Hindus as well as the Muslims, as these places of worship have been known for its collective harmony. It is an upcoming place, with a lot of constructions taking place. You have the Botanical Gardens also here, if you just want a stroll through a park and are nature lovers. There are markets that specifically are known for the products they provide. For example, if you’re too keen on jewelry shopping, you have an option to choose from Naya Bazar, Nehru market Saheed Ganj and so on. Saharanpuris worth a short trip.   

2.5 ( 1 )

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