World Sri Lanka Western Province Bentota Beruwala Beach

Beruwala Beach , Bentota

Type of Destination
Beaches, Adventure
Languages Spoken
Sinhala and English
Beruwala Beach Altitude

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Western Province Beruwala Beach

About Beruwala Beach

Beruwala Beach is also known as ‘Golden Beach' because of its rich golden coloured sand flashing under the sun with the shimmering water tides lapping its shores. It is characterized by far fetching palm trees that covers the sea shores. It is the first beach resort in the South Western region of Sri Lanka, located about 15 kilometres from the south of Kalutara town, 55 kilometres from Colombo and 92 kilometres from the International airport at Nigombo.

This Golden Mile beach in Beruwala offers a lot of adventure activities like water scooter rides, para sailing, wind surfing, water skiing etc. A 10 minutes boat ride to the International lighthouse, 20 feet above sea level,  at an island called Barberyn will definitely prove to be a worth visiting place as it offers a panoramic view of the sea and the landscape.  The town is famous for its fishing and fishing fort is a bustling place of the fishers. Also check out the gem trading fair at China fort, Kachimalai Mosque, the oldest one in the country and Galapata temple of 12th century. 

3.5 ( 1 )

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