World Sri Lanka Southern Province Galle National Maritime Museum, Galle

National Maritime Museum, Galle , Galle

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage, Museums
Languages Spoken
Sinhala and English
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Southern Province National Maritime Museum, Galle

About National Maritime Museum, Galle

The Maritime Museum in Galle is located on the Old Dutch warehouse of the fort of Galle. This is the only museum which showcases the marine biological and anthropological aspects of Southern coast of Sri Lanka. This museum basically exhibits the marine artefacts found during underwater expeditions.

The Maritime museum is worth the tour if you like different models of ships and is a fan of things preserved for centuries. This place showcases a collection of boat models, maps, artillery and things found from the centuries of ship wreck. The traditional lifestyle of fishing communities and their various techniques are also displayed.

A part of this museum is dedicated to the display of marine eco system and their varied flora and fauna. You can spot models of mangroves, sea shore plants, turtles, sea birds and wide variety of marine mammals. Some specimens of corals and marine shells can also be found here.

It is a perfect place to learn about Sri Lankan fishing boats, the visiting merchants and their colonial powers. The Warehouse building in itself deserves a visit! The numerous wrecks on the coats of Sri Lanka have provided some great finds. A large skeleton of a Whale mounted on the roof is an altogether wonderful experience.

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