World Singapore Singapore Singapore Chinese Garden, Singapore

Chinese Garden, Singapore , Singapore

Type of Destination
Scenic, Garden
Languages Spoken
English, Malay, Standard Mandarin
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Singapore Chinese Garden, Singapore

About Chinese Garden, Singapore

The Chinese Garden of Singapore is the one and only Chinese traditional park in South-East Asia. The total area of the garden is about 13.5 hectares. The garden is also known by the name Yu Hwa Yuan and it was transformed into a garden from an area which was occupied by prawn and fish ponds, fronting the banks of the Jurong River.  

The Chinese Garden is built according to design and structure of Beijing Summer Palace as well as the gardens of Suzhou Gardens and Song Dynasty. In 1992, a Bonsai Garden was built here by 55 Suzhou craftsmen from China. There is also a main hall which stores mainly 2000 pots of Bonsai especially imported from China and some other countries of the world. There are also different attractions inside this garden such as the Garden of Abundance where you can see Pomegranate trees and some sculptors of the Zodiac animals, Live Turtle and Tortoise Museum and the Eight Legendary Chinese heroes’ statues.

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