World Nepal Bagmati Kathmandu Nuwakot Durbar

Nuwakot Durbar , Kathmandu

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage, Plaza/Street
Languages Spoken
Nepali and English
Nuwakot Durbar Altitude

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Bagmati Nuwakot Durbar

About Nuwakot Durbar

The Nuwakot Durbar is one the few places which provides the authenticity of Nepal without the hustle and bustle of the crowd. Nuwakot is basically a historical district which is located 76km far west-north of Kathmandu. This place provides a beautiful and diverse climate within a limited territory.

The Nuwakot Durbar or the Palace sits on top of a hill which is 7km away from the headquarters of Nuwakot district. The hill has rich wilderness but the road to the palace is concrete and easy to manoeuvre. The palace has striking wooden carvings and sculptures that dates back to the seventeenth century.

The palace is also known as “Saat Talle Durbar” which means seven storied palace. The different floors of the palace have different character like the ground floor has the main entry door; the second floor has rooms where royal guests were housed. The topmost level of the palace is the burja which ironically is the smallest. It gives stunning view of the entire palace and was once the place from where sirens were blown during emergency.

The royal look and architecture of the Nuwakot Durbar is sure to leave you spell-bound, from walls that are six-and-a-half-feet thick to gigantic wooden beams and artfully crafted windows and doors.

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