World Nepal Bagmati Patan Pharping_2

Pharping_2 , Patan

Type of Destination
Historical, Pilgrimage, Offbeat
Languages Spoken
Nepali, Tibetan
Pharping_2 Altitude

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Bagmati Pharping_2

About Pharping_2

A tiny town south of Kathmandu which lies on the road towards Dakshinkali, Pharping has much more to show then only what’s famous. Sacred for both Hindu’s and Tibetan’s, known as pharping to the former and Yonglesho to the later. There are two main caves in Pharping, first, Asura cave and the second Yanglesho cave, both believed to have meditated in by Guru Rinpoche. Pharping has monasteries sprouting all over in the recent years which allow foreign dharma students. Pharping also has the first Hydro power project in Nepal ranked second in Asia.

The numerous other religious gems in and around Pharping are the Vajra Yogini Temple, one of the most rarest Tibetan temples dedicated to a female deity, it can be accessed down a flight of stairs leading from the Guru Rinpoche cave. The Guru Rinpoche cave, just behind the steps of Drolma Lhakhang which is another important shrine. Ralo Gompa, Sakya tharig gompa, Shesh Narayan temple and the Pinnacle Dharma center of Dzongsar are the known shrines around the town. Surrounded by colorful fields and the mystic feel of a slow divine breeze, Pharping is a rather good spot if you are willing to be out of the central Kathmandu and have some awesome religious as well as fun experience.

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