World India Madhya Pradesh Rewa Rani Talab Mandir

Rani Talab Mandir , Rewa

Type of Destination
Pilgrimage, Lake
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India Madhya Pradesh Rani Talab Mandir

About Rani Talab Mandir

Rani Talab is located in Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. It is believed not only to be one of the oldest but also the holiest water well of the area. It is a well-connected water well which was primarily used for farming and irrigation purposes. Nearby is a temple which attracts many tourists. Owing to the holiness, this area is often frequented by people during religious occasions. During Diwali, a grand Puja is held which is awe inspiring. The best time to visit this place is during October – December. Though in Rewa, there are many more places to visit, you must visit this water well and the nearby temple if you believe in God.

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