World India Uttar Pradesh Lucknow Parijaat Tree, Kintoor

Parijaat Tree, Kintoor , Lucknow

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India Uttar Pradesh Parijaat Tree, Kintoor

About Parijaat Tree, Kintoor

The Parijaat tree is a sacred baobab tree in the Kintoor village, not far from Barabanki town and about 30 KMs from the capital city of Lucknow. The Parijat tree is considered to be a divine tree which blooms occasionally with flowers that are white on blooming and turn yellow on drying.  In botanical terms, Parijaat is kept in a special category, because it is believed to be more than 1000 years old and it does not produce either fruits or seeds, neither can its branch cuttings be planted to reproduce a second Parijaat tree. Such unisex tree are believed not to be found elsewhere in the world.

It has been the center of attention of botanists over the years and several efforts have been made to prevent it from dying.  A legend in the Puranas suggests that Arjuna of Mahabarata brought the Parijata Tree for his mother Kunti, who offered its flowers to lord Shiva. The local people consider the tree to be their protector and protect its leaves and flowers. The tree is considered sacred by locals as well the large number of devotees who visit to see this unique tree. There are several temples around the place and the tree is located near one such temple.  The Parijaat tree stands tall as evidence of the strong cultural backdrop India has and being the only one of its kind also supports the Hindu mythology.

2.8 ( 2 )

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