World India Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh

Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh , Itanagar

Type of Destination
Hill-station, Heritage, Adventure, Offbeat
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India Arunachal Pradesh Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh

About Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh

Perched at almost 1800 mts above sea level is the hill town of Ziro in Arunachal Pradesh. Ziro is among the UNESCO’s world heritage site tentative list. Surrounded by hills covered with pine trees on all sides, Ziro is flat valley carpeted with wet paddy fields.

Ziro is the district headquarters of Subansiri district and is inhabited by Apatani tribe. The rice fields across the district give a green –carpet- laid –over- the - town look. Cool and pure breeze is a definite stress buster for tourists. You must visit the Sidheshvar Nath Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. Here pure water stream flows continuously beneath the Shiv Ling.

Ziro Festival of Music is organized every year in month of September in which people from Seven Sister states of the northeast and biggest metros of India come to participate.

3.8 ( 3 )

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Traveller Community User
Mar 31, 2015
Best way to reach is to fly to Guwahati and do the road journey. You can take a bus or private taxi from Guwahati.
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Traveller Community User
Mar 31, 2015
Hapoli (New Ziro), starting 7km further south than Ziro. Hotel Blue Pine & Siiro Resort are few options besides few home-stays.
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