World India Pondicherry Puducherry (Pondicherry) Paradise Beach, Pondicherry

Paradise Beach, Pondicherry , Puducherry (Pondicherry)

Type of Destination
Beaches, Adventure, Offbeat
Rs. 300-400
Languages Spoken
Tamil & English
Open Time
Ideal Trip Duration
4-5 Hours
Paradise Beach, Pondicherry Altitude

Best time to visit Paradise Beach, Pondicherry

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Puducherry (Pondicherry)
India Pondicherry Paradise Beach, Pondicherry

About Paradise Beach, Pondicherry

Located 10 Kms from Pondicherry along the Cuddalure main road, Paradise beach is only accessible through a boat. Paradise Beach is an isolated and quiet sea beach, also known by the name of Plage Paradiso, and lies between patch of land that separates backwater from the actual sea. Paradise beach near Pudducherry is known for its long stretches of clean sandy beach and clear blue water. The beach is surrounded by lush green vegetation, which provides a beautiful backdrop for visitors. It's a great spot for nature lovers, photographers and people looking for a peaceful spot to relax.

To reach Paradise Beach in Pondicherry you would need to take a ferry or a private boat from Chunnambar boat house. You must start early to avoid crowds. Weekends can be avoided. It is a small beach so does get pretty crowded by noon on most holidays. Be prepared to wait in queue for the tickets. It could take 1-2 hours to get the tickets if rush is there. If you are a big group or family you can better opt for private boat option.

Paradise beach is relatively unknown compared to other beaches in Pondicherry, which makes it a great spot for visitors looking for a more laid-back experience. The beach is not commercialized so there are no shacks, vendors or activities, but visitors can bring their own food and drinks to enjoy a picnic on the beach.

Paradise Beach has several huts to help you change clothes or rent a beach bed in shade. There is a small shack which serves few snacks, cold drinks and beer. Beach has an entry fee which is around 10 rupees. Ferry ticket price is around 200 rupees. Water sports are available on Paradise beach.

Avoid swimming far out into the sea as the undercurrent is pretty strong here and there may not be a lifeguard.

Paradise beach is only accessible by boat, visitors can take a ferry from Chunnambar Boat House which is located 8km away from the city center. It's a great place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and spend some time in nature.

4.3 ( 6 )

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Traveller Community User
Jul 30, 2014
To get here you need to take a ferry/boat from Chunnambar Boat House. It is not accessible by road even though Google maps suggests so.
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