World India Delhi Old Delhi Indian War Memorial Museum (Red Fort Delhi)

Indian War Memorial Museum (Red Fort Delhi) , Old Delhi

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage
Languages Spoken
Hindi & English
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India Delhi Indian War Memorial Museum (Red Fort Delhi)

About Indian War Memorial Museum (Red Fort Delhi)

Indian War Memorial Museum or Swatantra Sangrama Sangrahalaya is located inside Red Fort, the landmark feature of Delhi which was a key symbol of Indian freedom struggle of India. The Swatantra Sangrama Sangrahalaya or the museum inside the fort depicts stage by stage freedom struggle though photographs, paintings, documents, lithographs etc. Sculptures, Swords, guns, shields, medals etc are also exhibited in the museum.

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Jun 27, 2014
The Indian War Memorial Museum is located in the first and second floor of Naubat Khana.
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