World India Madhya Pradesh Khajuraho Western Group of Temples Khajuraho

Western Group Of Temples Khajuraho , Khajuraho

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage, Monument
Languages Spoken
Hindi & English
Western Group of Temples Khajuraho Altitude

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India Madhya Pradesh Western Group of Temples Khajuraho

About Western Group of Temples Khajuraho

Western Group of Temples is the largest and most easily approachable group of temples. The site is known to have been well maintained by the archaeological survey of India and provides the tourists with an option of audio guide service. These temples are best to be viewed before sunset.

Lakshmana temple, which was named after the ruler, is the most exquisitely set example of artistic splendor of medieval period. It is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. The entire structure is adorned with intricate carvings of more than 600 images. A small fraction of them, on the southern side of the external wall are those most notorious sculptures of erotic nature.

Kandariya Mahadeo Temple sits right next to Lakshmana Temple. This tall, spired temple is the largest in the entire Khajuraho complex and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. One can find the sculptures here to be more refined and aesthetic in nature. The vibrantly sculpted exteriors clearly contrast the plain and simple walls of the inner shrine. The spires are decorated in such detail and elegance, that one cannot look and take in everything, at first look.

Devi Jagadambi Temple which was originally meant for Lord Vishnu stands on the same platform as Kandariya Temple and is dedicated to the Goddess of Universe. This is considered as one of the most intricately and finely adorned temples in the complex. Each and every sculpture here is not less than a masterpiece. This is the temple where on the exterior walls one can find numerous erotic carvings among various others, for which Khajuraho is largely known for. The sculptures are not all in erotic nature, but they also describe the finer and more mundane aspects of life like music, dance and other everyday activities of a human life. The apsara (nymphs) who are classical examples of a desirable Indian woman with broad hips and a vivacious body are endlessly lining up the entire walls, spires and tires of these temples with their most delicately carved ornaments, fleeting garments, their activities like putting on makeup, grooming their hair – all of which are carved in such precise and perfect proportions.

Viswanath Temple is a Shiva temple with a smaller shrine for his concert in the form of Devi Durga and Nandi, his vehicle. The other notable temples in the group are Chaunsath Yogini Temple- one of the three granite temples in the khajuraho complex, Chitragupta Temple- dedicated for Sun God, Matanageswara Temple- with large spires and a huge 8ft Shiva linga as the main deity and the Varaha temple.

4.5 ( 1 )

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