World India Uttar Pradesh Prayagraj (Allahabad) Kaushambi

Kaushambi , Prayagraj (Allahabad)

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Prayagraj (Allahabad)
India Uttar Pradesh Kaushambi

About Kaushambi

<p><strong>Kaushambi &nbsp;</strong>is situated in the western end of Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh. Kaushambi attracts a large number of Buddhist pilgrims each year, as at the city Lord Buddha stayed for a few years after attaining enlightenment. From Kaushambi, Lord Buddha had delivered some of his famous sermons. The city finds a distinct place as it was the center of Kuru's Dynasty in times of Mahabharata.</p> <p>However, the city turned into ruins due to the negligence of later rulers who had shifted their attention away from the place. The city still has many things to offer to the tourists coming. You can visit the grand ancient forts, stupas and sculptures and have a sense of visiting an ancient civilized city. The city has been mentioned in the travelogues of Fa-Hien, who was a famous the Chinese traveler. In his words, the city is described as one of the best cities of that time and was coined as the nerve of activities in India. You can see ancient stupas, grand forts and monasteries located on the bank of river Yamuna.</p>
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