World India Madhya Pradesh Bhojpur Satpura National Park

Satpura National Park , Bhojpur

Type of Destination
Wildlife, Adventure
Languages Spoken
Hindi & English
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India Madhya Pradesh Satpura National Park

About Satpura National Park

Satpura National Park is located in Hoshangabad district of Madhya Pradesh. The park has been established in 1981 and is spread over an area of 1427 sq. km. The park has been set up for the conservation of tigers. The terrain of the national park is extremely rocky and consists of deep valleys, gorges, rivulets, sandstone peaks, waterfalls and thick green forests.  Tourist can do boat ride as well besides usual jeep safari. Dhoopgarh is the highest peak of the Satpura National Park; the sunlight reaches this peak earlier than another landscape of Madhya Pradesh. The national park is a home for over 1300 species of plants and numerous animals such as tigers, wild boars, leopards, sloth bear, etc. The park has a variety of trees such as teak, sal, tendu, mahua, bamboos, grasses, bushes, unchecked grown lantanas and many other medicinal herbs.

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