World India Goa Malvan Colva beach

Colva Beach , Malvan

Type of Destination
Beaches, Scenic
Languages Spoken
Konkani, English & Hindi
Colva beach Altitude

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India Goa Colva beach

About Colva beach

Colva beach in South Goa is about 6 KMs from Margao and 40 KMs from Panaji. It is relatively crowded beach, especially on weekends and public holidays. The beach is surrounded by coconut trees and numerous beach shacks. There are several opportunities for water sports. The beach stretches for about 25 KMs, with several smaller beaches along its continuous coastline and provides the visitors with an opportunity to walk and enjoy the sea breeze. There is an old church in the town called Igreja de Nossa Senhora das Merces and the town has a noticeable Portuguese influence. 

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