World India Jammu and Kashmir Pahalgam Chandanwari

Chandanwari , Pahalgam

Type of Destination
Trekking, Adventure
Languages Spoken
Kashmiri, Dogri, Hindi, English
Chandanwari Altitude

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India Jammu and Kashmir Chandanwari

About Chandanwari

Travelling on the flat terrain from Pahalgam for about 16 km, one can reach the famous Amarnath Yatra base point namely Chandanwari or Chandanwadi. The route which links the Pahalgam and Chandanwari entices you with scenic beauty. On one side of the road you could see Lidder River gushing and on other side snowcapped mountain stands calmly. Adventurous people can opt for hiking to reach Chandanwari. Also snow sledging is very famous in Chandanwari. Sheshnag Lake mesmerizes you with its crystal clear water. Kids can have fun by indulging in snow fights. En route the Chandanwari there is an ideal picnic spot named “Hajan”. There are enormous stalls and Dhabas which provide steaming tea and delicious food.

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