World India Tamil Nadu Kanyakumari Udayagiri Fort (Kanyakumari)

Udayagiri Fort (Kanyakumari) , Kanyakumari

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India Tamil Nadu Udayagiri Fort (Kanyakumari)

About Udayagiri Fort (Kanyakumari)

Udayagiri Fort in Tamil Nadu is a stunning solitary piece of structure that looks like it is torn out of history book was constructed in the late 17th century by one King Marthandavarman. The Dutch army was defeated by him here and the body of general Da Lennoy, who later became a good friend of the king, was buried here. This simple yet strong structure sitting in a strategically significant location in later days became a base for the British east India company and its army who had manufactured guns, canons and weapons inside the fort.

This crumpling mortar structure with its alluring and mystic nature and some commanding views of the ocean is simply a must see destination.

3.5 ( 1 )

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