World India Rajasthan Jodhpur Jalore Fort

Jalore Fort , Jodhpur

Type of Destination
Historical, Fort, Monument
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India Rajasthan Jalore Fort

About Jalore Fort

Jalore Fort, known as ‘Sonagir’ or the ‘golden mount’ in history,Jalore Fort is regarded as one of the most impregnable forts of the country, being perched atop a steep and perpendicular hill.  The fort has four gigantic gates however it is approachable only from one side, after a two-mile (3 km) long serpentine ascent. The approach to the fort is from the north, up a steep, slippery road through three rows of fortification to a single rampart wall (20ft) high, which takes an hour to climb. The fort is a classic example of Hindu Architecture. Built into the front wall are four mighty gates or pols that lead into the fort: The Suraj Pol, Dhruv Pol, Chand Pol and the Sire Pol. The Suraj Pol or the "Sun gate" is built to ensure the incoming of first rays of the morning sun. The fort houses various hindu and jain temples and also a mosque. Jalore Fort is one of the nine forts built by the Paramaras during the 10th century.  Presently, this fort belongs to the State Government’s archaeological department and has been declared as a protected building since 1956.  

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