World India Rajasthan Jaipur Mandholi Fort

Mandholi Fort , Jaipur

Type of Destination
Historical, Fort, Monument
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India Rajasthan Mandholi Fort

About Mandholi Fort

Mandholi is a small town in eastern Rajasthan. Located about 90 KMs from Jaipur, it is famous for Battle of Maonda and Mandholi. Mandholi was ruled by tribal Mina rulers since antiquity, who were forced out of power by Jat rulers to be finally defeated by Tanwar Rajputs in about 1567 A.D. Mandholi was a part of state of patan. In mid Eighteenth century the Battle of Maonda and Mandholi was fought between Rajput forces of Jaipur-Amer and Jat forces of Bharatpur. About 25000 people lost their lives in this battle. The Mandhol fort is reminiscent of that. Although it exists in a dilapidated condition, walls still exist and the four bases can be seen in the aerial view.

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