World India Kerala Kochi Fort Kochi

Fort Kochi , Kochi

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Malayalam, English
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About Fort Kochi

About 13 kilometers from Ernakulam is Fort Kochi where the paved roads are lined with beautiful and well-preserved colonial structures originally built by the Portuguese, Dutch, and British who inhabited the area in the days of yore. 

A journey becomes extraordinary when certain places teleports one to an era and time so distinctive that one wishes coming back wasn’t an option. Fort Kochi is beyond a traveler’s imagination filled with colonial edifices, vibrant streets and long withstanding culture and past. This fort marks the treaty for commercial purposes between the Maharaja of Cochin and a Portuguese emperor. A part of region was then built by the Portuguese, which was known as Fort Immanuel. This Fort was then sabotaged by the Dutch, but the legacy remained. The Portuguese Church was re-erected again in 1516 as a lasting structure, in present times it is known as the St Francis Church. Many of these structures are historically significant and would make for great photographic subjects such as the Santa Cruz Bascillica.

Kochi was under the reign of the Portuguese for around 160 years before the Dutch took over it for a century and was finally captured by the British. So the place has an incessant influence of three major colonies and this can be dominantly witnessed through the style and design of the Fort. Travelers can visit the ancient Dutch Cemetery built in 1724, Princess Street where one can visually savor the beauty of colonial residences and the Church Road near the Arabian Sea which is just made for brooding travelers. The Portuguese Bishop’s house, Loafer’s Corner, Bastion Bungalow and the Parade Ground are one of the most significant storytellers of the diverse European cultures.

Fort Kochi is also frequented for its several vintage shops and its iconic traditional fishing nets the silhouettes of which look stunning against the setting sun.

4.3 ( 2 )

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