World India Kerala Varkala Sivagiri Mutt

Sivagiri Mutt , Varkala

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage, Pilgrimage
Languages Spoken
Malalayam, English
Sivagiri Mutt Altitude

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India Kerala Sivagiri Mutt

About Sivagiri Mutt

Sivagiri Mutt is a pilgrimage center on top of a hill in Varkala. Here the social reformer and sage Sree Narayana Guru got enlightenment and salvation. The samadhi of Guru is also located here and many devotees come here in January to honor his memory. During his life, Guruji campaigned vehemently for the abolition of the caste system. Guru's Jayanti and Samadhi days are celebrated each year in August and September respectively. These events are marked with colorful processions, public meetings, cultural shows, etc.

2.5 ( 1 )

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